How to Install the Chrome Extension?
To install the Zonbase Chrome Extension tool, there are two ways:
Visit the Zonbase Chrome Extension page and look for the button that says “Install Now”.
This will prompt you to open the Google Chrome Extension page where you can download and install the Chrome Extension tool. Just click “Add to Chrome” and the software will automatically install.
Alternatively, you can also go straight to the Google Chrome Extension Page and click “Add to Chrome”. Click “Add Extension” in the dialog box that appears on the screen.
Once you have installed the extension, make sure that the icon is active on your browser. You can do this by clicking the Extensions icon on your Google Chrome Browser (it looks like a puzzle icon)
Next, click the Pin icon beside the Zonbase tool.
This will allow Zonbase’s Chrome Extension icon to show up on your browser bar.
Whenever you want to use the tool, simply toggle on the Zonbase Chrome Extension icon.
If the extension is not working, you can reinstall it by following the same steps outlined above.
When a customer signs up for Zonbase, he/she will see a Success Milestone on the screen, which is comprised of 7 steps that, once completed, unlock a free reward for you. The Second step in the milestone directs you to download the Chrome Extension.
Once you click on the second step, the short tutorial on how to install the Chrome Extension will pop up on your screen. If you already know how to install it you can just click on 'Skip and Install Now'.
You will be directed to the Chrome Extension page from where you can download it.
Once you are done downloading the Chrome Extension, you can make it visible on your browser by clicking on the puzzle-shaped Extension icon.
Once done, click on the ZonBase Chrome Extension and enter the credentials you used to sign up for Zonbase.
Note: This extension only shows data on the Amazon results page. You need to go to,,,,,, or and type in a keyword, and then run the Zonbase Chrome Extension.
If you need further assistance, just send an email to or use our Live Chat.