Understanding the Listing Analysis section

The Listing Analysis section is where the magic happens. In this section, you will be given a standard evaluation score of the competitor listing that you have used as a reference.

When you use the Listify tool, you are required to enter the ASIN or URL of a competitor’s product that you want to analyze. The Listing Analysis section shows you the overall score of this listing, as well as the different criteria that make this listing stand out from others.

Here is how to understand the information in this section:

Evaluation Score - the Evaluation score shows how well this listing follows Amazon’s best practices. It is scored 1 to 10, which means a higher score is a well-optimized listing while a lower score is a poorly-written listing.

Write-Up Analysis - This section shows how well the Title and Bullet Point contents of the listing are. The title should have 150+ characters and there should be 5 or more bullet points to get a good score. The listing should also have around 1000+ words in the description along with its A+ content to get a green score.

Media Analysis - great images can really help increase conversion rates. This means that optimized listings should have 7+ images that have 1000 x 1000 pixel resolution to get a good score.

Review Analysis - lots of positive reviews are needed to improve a listing’s score in the eyes of Amazon. Thus, having 10+ reviews with 4.5+ star ratings is the minimum that you have to strive for if you want a well-optimized listing.

All the information in the Listing Analysis section is the suggestion of the best practices that you need to follow in order to create a well-optimized product listing on Amazon. Follow the suggestions in this section and you will have a well-optimized, highly-converting listing in no time. 

If you need further assistance, just send an email to support@zonbase.com or use our Live Chat.

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